Friday, May 30, 2008

Welcome to WiLSWorld Camp

All registrants to the Camp will receive an invitation to contribute to the WiLSWorldCamp Blog. We believe the Blog is critical for initiating discussions leading to the topics, discussions and quick key sessions at the Camp itself. So participating in the Blog by posting and commenting is essential to the success of the Camp.

We hope that each WiLSWorldCamp camper will post an introduction about themselves. It doesn't need to be lengthy or in depth. But if you could:

  • list a couple of areas of interest in the Next Generation OPAC and ILS
  • give your self and your initial posting no more than 3 tags/labels that describes your viewpoint and interest in the Camp
  • Any other interesting stuff you want to share (there's always the dog v. cats as pets discussions)
Here's a quick snapshot guide and reminder to posting:

Once you've signed in and chosen New Post, you'll see the editing page. Just a couple of important points to remember when posting to the WiLSWorldCamp blog. We want very much to track the ideas on the blog for use in the camp. So using "tags", which Blogger calls "labels" is very important. Please make sure you add labels to all your posts. In the bottom right there's the label area. You can click the toggle link (see all or hide all) to see all previous used labels and then click them to add, or you can type in your own new labels. As with any blog then remember, use links

create good titles, and of course remember to Publish your Post.

A camp is a creation of the participants, so thanks for making the WiLSWorldCamp happen. Later,

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